Tuesday, April 18, 2006


...For awhile anyway.

I don't contribute to this blog as much as I do my Xanga (Yes I'm 44 and I have a friggin Xanga). Actually, that place gets kind of a bad rep with all the undisciplined little shits running about the place, doin God knows what. However, there are some good people on there. People who have a knack for writing that the Good Lord didn't bless me with. I've also learned a little bit about how online communities work over there as well, without having to put up with the torrential spamming that I used to encounter here.

So, I figured I'd add a couple of links today (make the place look lived in). As soon as I figure out how to add one of those blogroll deals to this site, I'll add some more blogs to the side-bar.

Today I added my Xanga. If you go there, you may want to wait for the song to quit playing on this blog, because something else is playing over there, or you can just turn the sound down. I love music, but it's not music when it's all garbled up...that's rap, not music.

I also added Acidman to my side-bar. I'm not blowing smoke up his ass when I say this, but he was one of the first bloggers I read. Although we are both individuals, we are similar in a lot of ways. We are both from the South (God Bless Dixie), both guitar players (who aren't playing anywhere right now...cept home), both former alkies, and (for the most part) we share similar ideals and aren't afraid of expressing them.

I visit that site often, and recommend it highly. It'll make you laugh (for the most part), it'll make you mad (sometimes), it may even make you cry, but I guarantee it'll entertain you as well.

I'll add others, it's just slow going with all the cut and paste shit that I have to do right now. If you have one of those fancy site trackers and you see me linked to your site, just know that I'm a fan (not a psychotic stalker). However, if you don't like me, or you think my writing is too pathetic to be attached to your site...just drop me a line and I'll unlink you.

By the way, that's my new guitar at the top (I forgot about the assbackward way this place loads pictures). You can read about on my Xanga...I'm out



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