Saturday, May 06, 2006


I was visiting Yahoo today, checking my mail and adding some photos to the album on my 360.
In the process of answering my mail I joined a chat group. I was back-reading and came across a person promoting his site. I like to check out what others are putting out there, I like to read others opinions.

I’m glad I checked it out, because it contains something that I have tried to instill in some of my non-smoking friends. What might that be? Much of what you’ve heard about “second hand smoke” is just alarmist rhetoric. More and more of us are being denied our individual freedoms, through legislation that is being shoved down our throats by (possibly) well meaning, though misguided lawmakers.

Hell, I know smoking is bad for me! Only a fool would deny that it leads to cancer, but it’s me that is more apt to suffer from the effects of the disease, not my non-smoking neighbor.
I respect the rights of those who do not smoke, by not lighting up in their personal space (their homes, cars, etc.). But I have rights as well! I am already punished by the government with the outrageous “sin tax” that they have imposed on cigarette smokers. I am looked at like I shit in the punch bowl if I even think about lighting up on a public street. I can’t enjoy a smoke after a meal, or in Jacksonville’s new Veteran’s Memorial Arena, or any bar in town that serves food. Shit! If I want to enjoy a smoke in a restaurant or bar, I guess I’ll have to go to Vegas. Of course it’s been awhile since I was there, but I don’t recall them having a lot of smoking legislation. Almost makes me want to move, or least bitch slap the next smoke Nazi I come across.
Read this…enlighten yourself.


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